Hello and welcome to Richardson Orthodontics!
We are excited that you have contacted us. We love helping patients currently in orthodontic treatment finish with a healthy, beautiful smile.
The first step to transferring orthodontic treatment to our office is to provide an American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) transfer form completed by your current doctor and copies of initial records (pano, ceph, pictures). If you are an Invisalign patient, we also need your patient number (printed on your Invisalign boxes/can call Invisalign to request). We cannot request records from your doctor due to HIPAA protections. You must request the records and have them emailed or mailed to us. Once we receive the transfer paperwork, our doctors will review it promptly to ensure your case can be treated at our office. We will then call you to schedule an initial transfer consultation. At the consultation, we will take updated records to establish the status of your treatment, and we will review with you what is required to complete your orthodontic treatment. The cost of the consultation is $150 (non-refundable) and is due when scheduling the appointment. The payment for the consultation will be applied to the cost of treatment in our office if you choose to continue treatment at our office. Fees for transfer cases are calculated based on time left in treatment. We will estimate the number of months left in treatment, and the fee will be calculated: numbers of months X $200 + $750 (removal and retainers fee).
Alternatively, if no transfer paperwork is available (closure of office, etc.) please email or mail any documentation available (orthodontic treatment contract, EOB, previous doctor, and office information), and our doctors will review the paperwork provided and will recommend either a transfer consultation or removal based on the status of the patient.
If no transfer paperwork is available, we offer removal of attachments or braces to end orthodontic treatment including upper and lower clear retainers for $750. Payment is due prior to scheduling an appointment. A discontinuing of orthodontic treatment form will be signed by the patient, parent, or guardian prior to removal. Records (Pano, ceph, pictures) will be taken prior to removal and afterwards (Pictures). Once removed, if a patient wants to continue treatment, they can schedule a new patient appointment for a new patient consultation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to follow up by email or phone. We look forward to meeting you!