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Richardson Orthodontics Blog

Braces and BBQ: Summer Foods to Savor and Skip

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 1:14 am
Patient smiling with braces eating watermelon

Summer is the season for BBQs, picnics, and delicious outdoor meals. However, if you have braces, figuring out summer foods can be tricky. Some eats can damage your braces or get stuck, making them difficult to clean. Others are a great fit and can even help soothe any discomfort in your teeth. But which foods are which? Continue reading to find a guide to what you can savor or skip to keep your braces and teeth in top shape.


Staying on Track: How to Meet Your 22-Hour Wear Time with Invisalign

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 9:42 pm
Invisalign patient looking at their watch

Invisalign aligners are a fantastic way to straighten your teeth discreetly, but achieving the best results requires commitment. To ensure your treatment progresses as planned, you need to wear your aligners for 22 hours every day. While it’s not impossible, it’s difficult to pull off without some careful thought and planning. Read on to find some practical tips to help you stay on track and make the most of your Invisalign.


Brace Yourself: Here’s What It Feels Like to Get Braces

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 9:19 pm
Lady with braces smiles

Traditional metal braces are a tried-and-true way to straighten out misaligned teeth even in severe cases. While this orthodontic treatment can deliver remarkable results that last for a lifetime with proper care, many prospective patients may be nervous about what kind of discomfort they may experience during the placement and process and the adjustment period afterward. Here’s a brief guide to what getting braces feels like so you can know what to expect.


Oral SOS: 5 Tips to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 6:15 pm
Patient smiling after dealing with orthodontic emergencies

Orthodontics can truly transform your smile, but unexpected emergencies can derail your progress and cause discomfort. However, you can get your treatment back on track by implementing just a few proactive measures. If you want to minimize the risk of orthodontic emergencies and stay consistent for straighter teeth, continue reading. You’ll learn some essential strategies to help you support a smoother experience for your treatment!


Braces Survival Kits: Your Essential Companion for Orthodontic Care

February 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:23 am
Smiling person wearing braces

Embarking on a journey with braces can be both exciting and daunting. While the promise of a dazzling smile is on the horizon, the road to orthodontic perfection can come with its fair share of challenges. That’s where braces survival kits come into play. These portable packages are a lifeline for anyone undergoing orthodontic treatment, containing all the essentials needed to navigate the ups and downs of braces care with ease.


Straightening Things Out: Can Braces Help with TMJ Disorder?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 6:21 pm
Man with TMJ disorder holding his jaw

Have you been having jaw pain, headaches, or limited jaw mobility? You could be suffering from Temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ disorder is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. There are many causes for the disorder, but what is the solution? While braces are primarily known for straightening teeth, there is growing interest in their potential for treating TMJ disorder.

If you’re curious about how braces can help your jaw recover from this often-debilitating condition, continue reading.


Tips for Eating Holiday Meals with Braces

December 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 7:16 pm

Close up of woman’s teeth with bracesIf this is your first holiday season with braces, you don’t have to worry about missing out on the celebrations. However, you will need to give your mouth a little extra attention and watch what you eat to avoid adding delays to your treatment. Here are 6 tips to enjoy the holidays with braces.


Grin and Grind: Can Invisalign Be the Solution for Teeth Grinders?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 10:11 pm
A woman smiling as she holds up her Invisalign aligner

Invisalign has become the premier method of straightening teeth for patients who want to be treated discreetly. While many patients have heard the name before, few of them know about the exciting benefits of the system. Sure, it straightens teeth, but did you know that it can actually help patients who grind their teeth as well?

If you want to learn more about Invisalign and its many benefits for your smile, continue reading. You’ll see it’s much more than a set of portable braces.


Fright Night Fangs: Maintaining Your Invisalign on Halloween

October 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 2:15 pm
A dad with Invisalign laughing with his daughter on Halloween

Ah, Halloween—a night of spooky costumes and endless treats for all! There’s hardly anything more satisfying than indulging in a bit of fright night fun devouring candy. But if you’re in the midst of Invisalign treatment, the idea of planning around Halloween may seem a bit daunting. Fear not! With some careful planning and a touch of creativity, you can enjoy the festivities without derailing your goals.

If you want to get the most out of your Halloween night while straightening your teeth, continue reading.


Getting Your Braces Removed? Here’s What to Expect

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 8:10 pm
Patient looking at her teeth in mirror after braces removal

The long-awaited day is finally approaching! Soon, you will get your braces removed so you can start enjoying all the benefits of your freshly straightened smile. But what should you expect as you transition to life after orthodontic treatment? This blog post offers a guide to the removal process and what you will have to do to maintain your results.

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