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5 Awesome Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids with Braces

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:54 pm
a closeup of a stocking in Richardson

This holiday season, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do to brighten your child’s smile—and if they have braces, you might be thinking extra hard about what you can put under the tree or in their stocking that will benefit their teeth and braces! Here are five awesome stocking stuffer ideas from your orthodontist in Richardson that are sure to bring a smile to your little one’s face.


4 Tips for Staying on Track with Invisalign During the Holidays

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 3:53 am
smiling woman wearing santa hat

The holidays can be a busy time, and if things are going well, that can mean a lot of fun to be had. At the same time, when you are busier than usual it can also be easier to forget to do something. When your treatment with Invisalign in Richardson is involved, you can’t afford to be forgetful and fall asleep at the wheel. After all, if you can remember to leave cookies and milk out for Santa, you can remember to stay on top of your Invisalign treatment. Check out these tips from your orthodontist on how you can stay diligent regarding your clear aligners.


Tips to Get Through Your First Week of Braces

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 3:58 am
teenager with braces

When you’ve been dealing with misaligned teeth, the decision to get braces can be a game-changer for your smile. Along your journey, braces will take some getting used to, of course. Don’t worry, because your orthodontist in Richardson has some tips to help you ensure your first week with braces is a net positive.


Tips on What to Know Before Getting Invisalign

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 10:18 pm
smiling woman Invisalign braces

When you are thinking about buying a vehicle, it’s always a great idea to test drive it first. Instead of just assuming you’ll like something, you should take a closer look before purchasing it. While you can’t exactly test drive clear aligners to straighten your teeth since they are custom-made for your mouth, just keep reading to find out from your orthodontist in Richardson what to know before getting Invisalign.


Lost an Invisalign Aligner? Here’s What to Do

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:05 pm
Woman searching purse, looking for lost Invisalign aligner

Even the most responsible and diligent individuals may lose track of items on occasion. Whether the couch devours your keys or you accidentally throw away a valuable receipt, misplacing important things is always stressful. It can be especially distressing if you lose an aligner for your Invisalign treatment. Do not panic. There are some practical steps you can take to get your teeth-straightening journey back on track as soon as possible.


What Factors Determine My Braces Treatment Time?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 3:22 am
man wearing braces

Deciding to get braces to straighten your teeth is a commitment, so you want to be informed about your decision. Part of your curiosity relates to braces treatment time and what will affect that. As your orthodontist in Richardson explains, some of the factors in required orthodontic time you can control, but not everything is up to your actions. Keep reading to learn more.


What to Expect with Braces Removal

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 11:40 pm
teenager smiling

You’ve been looking forward to getting your braces removed for several months – maybe even a few years. Now, that wonderful day is finally approaching. There is no need to be nervous about your appointment since braces removal is usually a quick and comfortable process. In this blog post, your orthodontist in Richardson discusses what you can expect while your brackets are being removed and how you can start caring for your newly straightened smile.


Which Factors Affect the Cost of Orthodontic Treatment?

April 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 11:14 pm
closeup of young woman with braces

Before committing to orthodontic treatment, you likely want to know how much it’ll cost. Since every case is unique, it’s impossible to provide an accurate cost estimate until you visit an orthodontist for an exam. It’s worth noting that multiple factors can influence the overall price of your treatment. Read along to learn which major elements come into play.  


Go Green for Earth Day with These Eco-Friendly Oral Hygiene Products

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:16 pm
Closeup of woman with braces smiling

April 22nd is Earth Day – it’s just around the corner! As a result, you may feel extremely inspired to do your part to protect the planet. Fortunately, getting involved is as easy as switching up your dental care tools. To learn a few orthodontist-approved and eco-friendly oral hygiene products, read on!


4 Must-Know Tips for a Successful First Date with Braces

February 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:17 pm
Woman smiling on date in restaurant

Going on a first date always comes with a bit of nerves. What should you wear? Where should you go? What will you talk about? Now add orthodontic treatment into the mix, and the whole experience just got a bit more complex. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case! Here are four must-know tips for dating with braces.

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