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Fright Night Fangs: Maintaining Your Invisalign on Halloween

October 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 2:15 pm
A dad with Invisalign laughing with his daughter on Halloween

Ah, Halloween—a night of spooky costumes and endless treats for all! There’s hardly anything more satisfying than indulging in a bit of fright night fun devouring candy. But if you’re in the midst of Invisalign treatment, the idea of planning around Halloween may seem a bit daunting. Fear not! With some careful planning and a touch of creativity, you can enjoy the festivities without derailing your goals.

If you want to get the most out of your Halloween night while straightening your teeth, continue reading.


Getting Your Braces Removed? Here’s What to Expect

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 8:10 pm
Patient looking at her teeth in mirror after braces removal

The long-awaited day is finally approaching! Soon, you will get your braces removed so you can start enjoying all the benefits of your freshly straightened smile. But what should you expect as you transition to life after orthodontic treatment? This blog post offers a guide to the removal process and what you will have to do to maintain your results.


4 Tips for Taking Care of Your Retainer

August 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 5:51 pm
Hand holding retainer above its storage case

Once you finish treatment with braces or clear aligners, you will be given a retainer. Its job is to prevent your teeth from drifting back into their former positions — it is extremely important! How can you get the most out of this appliance and ensure that it lasts as long as possible? Use these four tips for taking care of your retainer:


How to Use Your Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

July 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:04 pm
Invisalign aligner and three packets of cleaning crystals

Proper oral hygiene is an essential part of any successful orthodontic treatment. When you get your Invisalign aligners, you will need to keep both them and your mouth clean. Your diligence will reward you with a fresh smile that is at a low risk of decay, gum disease, unpleasant odors, and other issues. Invisalign cleaning crystals may play an important role in your oral hygiene routine. What exactly are the crystals, and how should you use them? This basic guide explains.


Can You Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 1:42 am
person with hands wrapped around coffee mug

Invisalign has become one of the most popular treatments for correcting orthodontic issues. Functioning similarly to traditional braces, it gradually shifts your teeth and jaw into a more ideal position over time, resulting in a straighter and more uniform smile, while also addressing bite and alignment problems. Unlike traditional metal braces, which come with a list of foods to avoid, Invisalign allows you to eat most things without any concerns. But what about coffee? Can you continue enjoying your favorite morning beverage while undergoing Invisalign treatment? Keep reading to find out if coffee is compatible with this teeth-straightening process.


5 Times Braces Stole the Spotlight in Pop Culture

May 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 3:34 pm
Patient in green sweater smiling behind pink fashion magazine

Braces have helped millions of patients around the world achieve straighter teeth and even more beautiful smiles. Today, it’s such a popular treatment and relatable milestone that it’s featured on popular TV shows, beloved rom-coms, chart-topping music videos, and more! Take a trip down memory lane by reading on to learn five times braces have stolen the spotlight in pop culture.


Invisalign Aligner Doesn’t Fit? Here’s What to Do

April 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:15 pm
Woman sliding Invisalign aligner onto her teeth

An outstanding feature of Invisalign treatment is that the aligners are custom-made to fit a patient’s unique dentition. They should be snug without causing extreme discomfort. But what if one of your Invisalign aligners doesn’t seem to fit? It might keep popping off or simply refuse to slide onto your teeth. What should you do? This blog post explains why you might be experiencing problems and what you can do to address the issue.


How Long Will It Take to Straighten Your Smile with Invisalign?

March 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 2:22 am
a woman smiling and holding her Invisalign aligner

Have you always wanted a straighter smile but didn’t want to wear traditional braces? Well, there’s good news! You no longer have to commit to wearing metal wires and brackets to get aligned teeth. Invisalign is now a very popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to move your pearly whites into their desired position. However, you may be wondering what the exact timeline of the treatment is. Read on to learn more about Invisalign and how long it will take to align your grin.


How to Wean your Child Off of a Pacifier

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 7:42 pm
3-D model of an open bite

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which is a time when people learn a little more about what it takes to keep kids’ smiles shining. That can mean getting braces to correct alignment problems, but understanding what can cause misalignment, and what you can do about it, is equally important.

For example, sucking habits past a certain age can potentially cause long-term problems for your child’s teeth. If you want to know how, or how you can prevent that, here’s a guide with some information you should have.


New to Wearing Braces? Here are 4 Valentine’s Day Dating Tips

January 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 4:46 am
a girl with braces getting ready for a Valentine’s date

February is approaching and that means love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day near, you may be wondering how your dating life will be affected now that you are wearing traditional braces. While you are excited to be getting straighter pearly whites, you may feel anxious as you wonder how the metal wires and brackets on your teeth will impact your dating life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make it as smooth as possible. Here are four must-know tips for wearing braces while dating.

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