Do you have a stiff or sore jaw or wake up feeling more drained in the morning than the night before? If so, then you might be suffering from a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. These joints anchor your jawbone to your skull just below your ears and are responsible for the range of motion of your mouth. If the muscles and ligaments surrounding your TMJ become inflamed, you could experience throbbing in addition to oral issues like malocclusion (bite misalignment.)
While there are several potential causes, you might be surprised to learn that your posture might be the culprit. Slouching can put extra stress on your shoulders and neck, which can cause your jaw joints to pop, lock, cramp, spasm, or shift out of alignment. Continue reading to learn about 3 tips that can help reduce tension from poor posture to alleviate your aching jaw!
Posture Tip #1: Establish a Strong Foundation
It takes time to develop jaw pain from poor posture, so if your slouched position is behind your discomfort, you may not remember what it feels like to sit or stand “correctly.” Taking the time to figure out what a healthy stance looks and feels like establishes a baseline you can continue working toward.
For example, when sitting, ensure your lower back is supported with a pillow to decrease pressure on the spine. This helps avoid the rounded, hunchbacked position we tend to take when we’re working with phones or on computers.
Then, whether sitting or standing, gently pull your shoulder blades down and back so that they naturally center over your hips. This brings your head and neck in line with your shoulders to decrease tension, allowing your jaw to relax. You can rest your tongue against the roof of the mouth with your teeth slightly apart but with lips pressed together to give your TMJ a well-earned reprieve from the extra pressure.
Posture Tip #2: Check Your Ergonomics
Many people work from home at least part-time and may not have an appropriate setup that supports proper posture. If you’re working from the couch or your bed, you may want to move to a desk or the kitchen table to straighten your back. Be sure to sit with your feet flat on the floor and situate your computer so the top of the screen is at or slightly above your eye level. This helps you avoid hunching over to prevent muscle aches.
Posture Tip #3: Move Around More
When you’ve got your “nose to the grindstone” and are working hard, it’s easy to clench your jaw, neck, or shoulders in response to feeling pushed or overwhelmed. If this happens frequently or over a prolonged period, you can develop TMJ issues from grinding your teeth.
Thankfully, taking a couple of minutes every hour to stand up and walk around or stretch can help reduce the extra pressure. Also, try to take long, slow breaths through your nose to ease your body’s stress response so you can relax.
If these tips don’t help your TMJ disorder, the best next step is to contact your dentist!
About the Practice
At Richardson Orthodontics, you and your family benefit from two board-certified experts who are committed to helping improve your dental condition. Dr. Tamara Jones and Dr. Stephanie Amerson work together to provide several award-winning services to patients of all ages. They are passionate about transforming smiles by realigning your grin to preserve your oral health while enhancing your appearance. If your jaw hurts or has a limited range of motion, you can request an appointment on the website or call (972) 238-7101.