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Braces and BBQ: Summer Foods to Savor and Skip

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonortho @ 1:14 am
Patient smiling with braces eating watermelon

Summer is the season for BBQs, picnics, and delicious outdoor meals. However, if you have braces, figuring out summer foods can be tricky. Some eats can damage your braces or get stuck, making them difficult to clean. Others are a great fit and can even help soothe any discomfort in your teeth. But which foods are which? Continue reading to find a guide to what you can savor or skip to keep your braces and teeth in top shape.

Summer Treats To Savor

Soft Fruits

Summer is a great time to enjoy a variety of soft fruits. Berries, melons, and bananas are all gentle on your braces and easy to chew. These fruits are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and hydration!

Dairy Delights

Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and smoothies are excellent choices. They are soft, rich in calcium, and promote healthy teeth and gums. Enjoy a cool, refreshing yogurt parfait with fresh fruit for a braces-friendly snack.

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled vegetables are a fantastic option for summer meals. Soft, roasted veggies like bell peppers, zucchini, and eggplant are easy to eat and provide essential nutrients. Just make sure they’re all thoroughly cooked! Raw vegetables that can be tough to chew and may damage your orthodontic appliance.

Soft Desserts

Indulge in soft summer treats like ice cream, pudding, and gelatin desserts. These sweets are braces-friendly and perfect for cooling down on hot days. Avoid hard, crunchy toppings that could damage your braces.

Summer Eats to Skip

Corn on the Cob

Say it ain’t so! Unfortunately, even though corn on the cob is a summer staple, biting into it can damage your brackets and get stuck in the wires. Instead, enjoy corn off the cob by cutting it off or getting a bagged or canned alternative.

Hard and Crunchy Snacks

Snacks like popcorn, nuts, and hard pretzels are a no-go for braces wearers. These foods can break brackets and wires or become lodged in your teeth, making them difficult to clean. Try softer snacks like cheese sticks or apple slices without the peel.

Sticky and Chewy Sweets

Avoid sticky candies like taffy, caramel, and gummy bears. These sweets might be good at the movie theatre, but they can get stuck in your brackets and are difficult to remove. They can also pull on wires, causing damage. Instead, go for sweets like chocolate that melts in your mouth.

Tough Meats

Steak and other tough cuts of meat require a lot of chewing and can be problematic for braces. They can cause brackets to loosen or wires to bend. Stick to softer meats that are easier to chew like tender chicken or turkey.

By choosing the right foods and taking care when eating, you can enjoy all the flavors of summer without compromising your orthodontic appliance. If you need some personalized recommendations, reach out to your orthodontist! They can help you put together a simple summer menu and keep your treatment on track. Happy eating!

About the Practice

Ready to taste the summer and start your orthodontic treatment? Richardson Orthodontics is here to help! Our team of highly trained orthodontists uses state-of-the-art dental technology and techniques to create effective appliances that last. For a straightened smile, call (972) 238-7101 to schedule an orthodontic consultation, or visit our website to learn more about what we offer.

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